Just spent two hours giving a founder feedback on their pitch deck. It was awesome. If you are trying to raise and failing, send me your deck. pitch@hey.com
Seek the Nine. Earn all-new Daito Armor within the Prophecy Dungeon.
#IndiaFightsCorona Steady capacity building of healthworkers and volunteers during #COVID19: States completed almost 77 lakh trainings and more than 27 lakh course registrations on iGOT, the integrated Government online training platform. #CoronaOutbreak
Does anyone in the Mandeville area want some hot peppers??? They free of cost...just picked these and have no clue as to what I am going to do with them...
Почему уличные художники сливаются, когда я предлагаю написать что-нибудь у них в квартире?
Цитатка из книги про геймдизайн: «Первые десять ваших игр провалятся, поэтому лучше сделать их как можно быстрее»
@PeterJohnsonIA Mayor Pete is now my favorite student. @CreightonLaw #lawtwitter #AcademicTwitter
Customnia is a printing service that helps people to express themselves by making high-quality merchandise. We provide customized printed merchandise, fulfillment, and worldwide shipping of excellent quality swag in the shortest possible time.
Create your swag store from your tweets in a few clicks
With AnyTweet, users can set up a merch store with their own tweets in minutes. The creator does not need to buy merchandise; the service will create and send the product and the author of the tweet will get the profit.
With GitMerch every GitHub user could print a t-shirt with his own contributions map and proudly wear it to show how cool it to be a creator of the future.