Me: [covered in ketchup] Santa Sauce is coming to town Wife: Stop M: Happy Hollandaise W: I'm leaving M: …and mayo your Christmases be white
[Christmas party] "Ok let's open presents starting youngest to oldest" Grandpa: this is bullshit! Vampire: dude, seriously?
On the worst day of Christmas my true love gave to me: Grown Ups 2 on 3D TV
[searches 'Chanukah'] Did you mean Hanukah? I DON'T KNOW, GOOGLE. NO ONE DOES.
I don't believe in killing perfectly healthy Christmas trees for decorative purposes. When I kill a tree, it's strictly for pleasure.
All I want for Christmas is for someone to pay off my debilitating student loans...but I guess this mug is good too, thanks.
Worst things the parents do on Home Alone: 3. Never punish Buzz 2. Forget one of their kids 1. Try to make everyone drink milk with pizza
Little known fact: literally every spelling of Hannukah is correct. Channukah? Hannhooka? Chewbacca? Channing Tatum? All fine.
My favorite Christmas carol is the one where they blame the weather for their social anxiety and just stay home.
do all your christmas shopping stoned so you're also surprised when they open your gifts
SON: Dad, I'm gay. DAD: "Okay." SON: I also don't think Die Hard is a Christmas movie. DAD: "Get out of my house!"
'Twas the night before Christmas And all through the zoo Every creature was stirring It was a zoo.
The older you get the more holidays become about keeping your father off a ladder
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