I don’t have to lose my will to live after every so-called-standup or retro where I have to spend 30min to explain why I released a bug...that was fixed in 5min.
@GrahamLedger Which wife did Trump grab by the pussy? His third? No wait it was the porn stars...sorry - actually he paid them to be silent about affairs...was it the 20 women who alleged he sexually assaulted them? That’s it ! Talk more about home wrecking though
Are your 'Lead Magnets' working effectively? If not, discover why + how you can fix them fast this weekend > https://digitalwebrocket.com/cheatsheets/
Yes, @csaavs, I’m tweeting about mashed potatoes during our monthly team call. #Multitasking
I was accused of drinking and texting last night. Sober tweeting drunk sounding texts and random song lyrics is my brand. Also, pumpkin spice tastes like hot ass.
Visu cieņu aktieriem, režisoriem un visiem, kas to padara iespējamu. Bet... Jūs esat elki un piemērs daudziem. Ja gribat pilnas zāles, vai tiešām šobrīd vajag tiešraidē 3 aktierim un 1 režisors salekt kopā kā hokejā pēc vārtu guvuma, bez maskām, ar skūpstiem? @SpelmanuNakts
List building? Here are 3 tools that'll come in handy: First 1,000 Subscribers (checklist), List Promotion Planner & The List Monetizer Playbook - All FREE > https://t.co/EeOi5o3SQI
A vida do macho tóxico deve ser muito infeliz que ele precisa reforçar sua masculinidade a todo momento com atitudes tão ridículas...
Welcome to another edition of the WYCKOFF CRYPTO DISCUSSION? Join us each Thursday for a discussion of cryptocurrency market from a Wyckoff perspective. These sessions are hosted by Alessio Rutigliano & Roman Bogomazov. https://t.co/47CTn0CD1m
Customnia is a printing service that helps people to express themselves by making high-quality merchandise. We provide customized printed merchandise, fulfillment, and worldwide shipping of excellent quality swag in the shortest possible time.
Create your swag store from your tweets in a few clicks
With AnyTweet, users can set up a merch store with their own tweets in minutes. The creator does not need to buy merchandise; the service will create and send the product and the author of the tweet will get the profit.
With GitMerch every GitHub user could print a t-shirt with his own contributions map and proudly wear it to show how cool it to be a creator of the future.