Imagine this: It's the end of February, and your company had its best month in history. This year is off to a hot start. $700,000 in revenue and $210,000 in profit. You decide to pull $100,000 out of the business this month and buy a second home in Florida. You just hired a… https://t.co/qYhdbGvuie
Hoje foi Dia de Hospital 🔥🔥 Consulta dos 14 anos 😅 Agora o Wi da Bata Tava a Perguntar meu Grupo Sanguíneo 🩸 Lhe respondi Firma Bomba e Ele não Percebeu 😅💔 Loirinho Veio aii Buscar um Gajo ku Spidi da Uber 😹😹🫵🏿 #FreePinup #FreePalestine
working through your triggers is realizing that your lovers were just lovers, your job is just a job, your personality is just a personality, your parents were just parents. the world is simply the world. none of it was ever a big deal. none of it was ever a problem
hola!!! muchisisisisisimas gracias a todo el mundo q me ha apoyado sois lo mas de verdad :)) siento no haber pasado antes x aquí esq estaba follando
Acho errado o termo "estado paternalista", pq pai quer sempre o seu bem, te ajudando a crescer e te apoiando qd vc precisa. O termo correto deveria ser "estado cunhadista", pq esta coisa de ficar pedindo dinheiro 'emprestado' e não pagar, só te usar e te engar é coisa de cunhado.
Papio south always disappoints. Expect nothing from them lol. https://t.co/QU5sivhEt3
En el año 2016, un día como hoy: el joven antequerano Antonio Matas Gil logra la Medalla de Bronce en las Olimpiadas de Matemáticas de España celebradas en Barcelona.
I am tearing my throat out, it hurts and it’s hard to breathe.
The levels of human stupidity should be measured in elons. https://t.co/xF1nh0STSk
Ahead of @Portalcoin today lots of people will complain about influencers having access to early investment allocations etc, and the "normal guy" having zero access. Well let me tell you a story, and let me tell you how you can change that for yourself. 2 years ago I remember… https://t.co/jl5u7Cctsg
I've hit a new milestone today: 8000 X followers in 5 months and dozens of clients via my content🥳 I am halfway through Justin Welsh's 1-year challenge, which I announced on the 16th of September, 2023. Here's my blueprint on how to build an audience quickly: 0-100 Followers… https://t.co/VGtgY557pJ
Customnia is a printing service that helps people to express themselves by making high-quality merchandise. We provide customized printed merchandise, fulfillment, and worldwide shipping of excellent quality swag in the shortest possible time.
Create your swag store from your tweets in a few clicks
With AnyTweet, users can set up a merch store with their own tweets in minutes. The creator does not need to buy merchandise; the service will create and send the product and the author of the tweet will get the profit.
With GitMerch every GitHub user could print a t-shirt with his own contributions map and proudly wear it to show how cool it to be a creator of the future.