institutions at every level of society are failing, my optimism has all but eroded but pussy still feel good and that’s enough for me to keep trying
old niggas still luv 2 say rap is dumbed down these days like the first ever line wasnt I said a hip hop Hippie to the hippie u dumb bitch
"सपनाहरू ती होइनन् जो निदाएपछि देखिन्छन्, सपना त ती हुन् जो निदाउनै दिदैनन्" -एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम
शुभं करोति कल्याणमारोग्यं धनसंपदा । शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते ॥
Regla de adquisición nro 51: Cuando estés negociando, busca quién es el tonto en el trato. Si no encuentras uno, es porque el tonto vas a ser tú https://t.co/rh8jX6SnL8
@KatyBSweet1 @AubryAndrews Knock her up one time and she gets all possessive.
@SouupMann Hey there. Sorry to hear your brother doesn't like Weezer. But I mean if he did, he'd be missing out on all the brotastic times we could have as BFFs. So don't let him rain on your parade, just tell him he can get hopped on the Weezer train or GTFO. 😉
as an american woman who has never really followed modern royal family issues: IS ANYONE ELSE FOLLOWING THE KATE MIDDLETON DRAMA? is she alive? they’re killing stories cause AI edited images? bald rat man has mistress? princess di all over again? the fuck is a marchioness?
i hope they invite emily culver to the next convention
El rechazo que le tienen los de adentro a Furia es tan grande que la acercan cada vez mas a la final . Ella es una excelente jugadora pero ellos también son igualmente responsables de su protagonismo absoluto e innegable #granhermano
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