For every cycle a HW engineer saves, a SW engineer will add two instructions https://fabiensanglard.net/silicone/
@emjospick Imma try yours Day Fade Records presents the new EmJo project, "The Misewell Mixtape Vol. 1" 1) Shooters Shoot 2) So Fetch ft. Criminem 3) Wit' Her Spoon 4) Seltzer, Damn Near Killed 'Er 5) Iced Iced Baby 6) Juicy
Britain is run by staggeringly rich people, and they are staggeringly dishonest.
Remember when the Washington Post said that COVID was no big deal and the flu was worse? https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/time-for-a-reality-check-america-the-flu-is-a-much-bigger-threat-than-coronavirus-for-now/2020/01/31/46a15166-4444-11ea-b5fc-eefa848cde99_story.html
Yep! I said it. I’ll say it again! Proud of you @fandabbydoz You’re a runner now! ? https://t.co/fAkH02IzEk
Friday @CAKEheaux1 @HotMaleStuds @PacoJonesFL @Pollas_lefa2 @_K_A_I_R_O_S @dilf2050 @AlejandroCasFan @Hotjocks_jones @BOYZSPACE @GAY__PORNO @sinexpat @hairymusclelvr @muskeln4fun @brotheragensbr @purelygayporn @BestofXander @FrenchGaymer @xxx_men_pt @OliGaySexPornX @DaddyesSenior
I will easily & quickly win Georgia if Governor @BrianKempGA or the Secretary of State permit a simple signature verification. Has not been done and will show large scale discrepancies. Why are these two “Republicans” saying no? If we win Georgia, everything else falls in place!
A vida do macho tóxico deve ser muito infeliz que ele precisa reforçar sua masculinidade a todo momento com atitudes tão ridículas...
?TOTS SOM TSUNAMI ? Vine amb BUS ? dimecres 18 de desembre ? Camp d'esports ? Sortida 13.30 ? 22 h sortida de Barna ? Preu tiquet: 15 euros Tiquets al local de l'ANC c/acadèmia, 16. 973 850 342 Horari: de Dll a Dj (17.14-20.19h). SI PODEU NO HI FALTEU. FAREM HISTÒRIA!!
Being in a healthy relationship has taught me that there’s no such thing as “this is who I am, take it or leave it”. When you wholeheartedly love a person, you work on those toxic traits, you learn to communicate, you listen to each other’s feelings and encourage individuality
Customnia is a printing service that helps people to express themselves by making high-quality merchandise. We provide customized printed merchandise, fulfillment, and worldwide shipping of excellent quality swag in the shortest possible time.
Create your swag store from your tweets in a few clicks
With AnyTweet, users can set up a merch store with their own tweets in minutes. The creator does not need to buy merchandise; the service will create and send the product and the author of the tweet will get the profit.
With GitMerch every GitHub user could print a t-shirt with his own contributions map and proudly wear it to show how cool it to be a creator of the future.