@liamgallagher Liam, my mate sadly took his own life last Monday, He was going to the London gig on Friday 7th, we’ll be holding up this flag when you sing Live Forever, please can you keep an eye out and help us pay tribute to him. 🕊️ ☮️
@Justin__NC I asked two dozen people who worked on the game what went wrong and not a single one mentioned the words “Sweet Baby.” You are chasing angry hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage
@angryfermion the whole point of that thing “studying” is becoming good at something you’re not yet good at
@JaguarFBA Born too late for holy wars, too early for robots, but just in time to sell roshes on Amazon fba
man goes to doctor. says he's depressed. says work is overwhelming. everything is disorganized, swamped with bureaucracy. "use the app JIRA" says doctor. "It'll help your organization keep track of work." "but doc," says the man. "I work on JIRA."
i was born to die in a holy war in Europe 3,000 years ago but instead I am flipping shoes to Arkansas for $13.66 profit @corporateFBAguy
Ministry is just 80% reminding people of the gospel and 20%, like, setting up chairs.
Customnia is a printing service that helps people to express themselves by making high-quality merchandise. We provide customized printed merchandise, fulfillment, and worldwide shipping of excellent quality swag in the shortest possible time.
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