@kilnfiendpotter @SerenaMalyon (there will also eventually be APs)
Check out that shirt! It's Mark-ception!!! 😂 Big thanks to Casino Royale regular (and one of the founders of "Marked On Monday"!!!) Chip Cache (@ LasVegasExpert via Twitter) for the awesome photo!!! 📸 #CasinoRoyaleVIP
You only need 3 things to win: The balls to start. The brains to learn. The heart to never give up. And the best thing is, you already have all three.
in the stripped club. straight up "jorking it". and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. My peanits
Je regarde la #cérémoniedouverture des JO avec mes enfants. Difficile d’apprécier les rares tableaux réussis entre les Marie-Antoinette décapitées, le trouple qui s’embrasse, des drag queens, l’humiliation de la Garde républicaine obligée de danser sur du Aya Nakamura, la… https://t.co/CWmeBYJH94
If I want to read more during the year, I need to reevaluate how I spend my free time. *looks at Twitter feed*
I wanna die ,but i'm scared what if TAYLOR swift releases Style ft. Harry styles and I am not alive to listen to it #TaylorsVersion #HarryStyles
Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at Apple? I'd love to see a Netflix documentary series!
Customnia is a printing service that helps people to express themselves by making high-quality merchandise. We provide customized printed merchandise, fulfillment, and worldwide shipping of excellent quality swag in the shortest possible time.
Create your swag store from your tweets in a few clicks
With AnyTweet, users can set up a merch store with their own tweets in minutes. The creator does not need to buy merchandise; the service will create and send the product and the author of the tweet will get the profit.
With GitMerch every GitHub user could print a t-shirt with his own contributions map and proudly wear it to show how cool it to be a creator of the future.